Customer Testimonials

Reviews & Testimonials

We appreciate the feedback from our clients.

With a record of success, our motto is there is no job too big, too small or too complex that solutions cannot be developed for. From process audits through project completion, our services bring your plant solutions to life.

I work with DeJong Consulting because of his industry knowledge, drive, and willingness to go the extra mile. Many consultants would prolong the problem to make extra money, but Michael does what it takes to get it done.

Dave Erlebach Intrinsic Organics

DeJong Consulting will deliver as promised and has great integrity. I could think of no one else I would rather have spearheaded a project this critical and complex.

Mike Evans Apotheca Inc.

Michael has a high technical understanding of biological source materials and the machines available for complex separations, centrifuges, membranes and drying methods. He was very available for questions and assisted with employee training after install.

Ron Strohbehn Research Scientist

"I work with DeJong Consulting because of his industry knowledge, drive, and willingness to go the extra mile. Many consultants would prolong the problem to make extra money, but Michael does what it takes to get it done."

"DeJong Consulting will deliver as promised and has great integrity. I could think of no one else I would rather have spearheaded a project this critical and complex."

"Michael has a high technical understanding of biological source materials and the machines available for complex separations, centrifuges, membranes and drying methods. He was very available for questions and assisted with employee training after install."

Ready to maximize your productivity and grow your ROI? Get in touch with us!

Let us guide you through every step of the journey, from designing your plant and processes to sourcing, installation, and training. With our assistance, you'll achieve peak efficiency and unlock the full potential of your operations.

Our team of specialists looks forward to working with you! Get a quote